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For a 'Branch Motions & Nominations Pack' for the 2025 AGM please contact the Branch.
The Branch will be holding the 2024 Annual General Meeting in early February 2025. (Date and venue to be confirmed)
Below are the key deadlines for the biennial election of Officers and submission of motions.
A full copy of the Branch Constitution can be provided via the Branch Office.
If you wish to stand for a position you are recommended to read the Q&A section in the pack.
In ALL cases the nominee, nominator and seconder must be members of the West Yorkshire Branch and where appropriate employed by the correct employer.
Responses via E-Mail will be accepted. Alternatively, please post to:
Ian Ledgard-Bell
Branch Secretary
CWU West Yorkshire Branch
CWU Office
Pudsey Telephone Exchange
Vernon Place
LS28 6EX
The dates for annual conference 2025 are yet to be determined, but any potential motions will need to be discussed and submitted ahead of conference.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the branch.
CWU Office
Grounds of Pudsey Telephone Exchange
Vernon Place
LS28 6EX